About the Journal

Focus & Scope of Journal

The Journal of Biology and Biomedical Research (J2BR) is dedicated to publishing original research papers, review papers, and short communications across various disciplines of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. J2BR is committed to disseminating research findings in the field of biology and biomedical research. The scope of J2BR encompasses the evaluation of biological processes, molecular interactions, and their practical applications in both research and industry settings. The primary goal of the scientific journal, J2BR, is to provide a platform for researchers to share their innovative work and ideas. There are no restrictions on the length of the papers, and authors are encouraged to provide comprehensive experimental details for result reproducibility.

Subject Areas:

1. Molecular Biology and Genetics
2. Cell Biology and Biochemistry
3. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
4. Pharmacology and Toxicology
5. Physiology and Anatomy
6. Microbiology and Immunology
7. Environmental Biology
8. Biomedical Engineering and Technology

Review Policy

Peer review plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and integrity of published literature. J2BR is dedicated to ensuring a prompt evaluation and publication process for accepted papers. To uphold high publication standards, all submissions undergo a rigorous review by experts recommended by the editorial board. The key features of the peer review process include:

1. Simultaneous submissions to different journals are not acceptable.
2. Manuscripts will be reviewed by experts suggested by the editorial board.
3. Editorial decisions are made by the Editors-in-Chief based on the referees' reports.
4. Authors of rejected papers are promptly notified.
5. All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents.
6. Editors and reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest and maintain confidentiality.

Publication Procedure

Initial Checks

All submitted manuscripts to J2BR undergo initial checks by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure compliance with author instructions and ethical policies. Manuscripts that do not adhere to ethical standards or journal guidelines are rejected before peer review. Properly prepared manuscripts are then assessed for alignment with the journal's scope by consulting the editorial board.


Manuscripts passing initial checks are assigned to at least two independent subject experts for double-blind peer review. Only the Editor-in-Chief is aware of the identities of both authors and reviewers. Reviewers assess the scientific soundness and relevance of the manuscript.

Editorial Decision and Revision

Accepted manuscripts may undergo minor or major revisions, as communicated by reviewers. The decision categories include acceptance after minor revisions, reconsideration after major revisions, rejection with encouragement for resubmission, and outright rejection. Authors are expected to respond to reviewer comments in a point-by-point manner.

Author Appeals

Authors can appeal rejections by providing a detailed justification and point-by-point responses to reviewers' comments. The Editorial Board considers appeals, providing an advisory recommendation that may include acceptance, further peer review, or upholding the rejection decision.

Publication Ethics

J2BR adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. The responsibilities of editors, reviewers, and authors include:

1. Editors make publication decisions based on importance, originality, clarity, and adherence to ethical standards.
2. Confidentiality is maintained throughout the editorial process.
3. Reviewers contribute to editorial decisions objectively and promptly.
4. Authors present accurate research accounts, avoid plagiarism, and disclose conflicts of interest.
5. Prompt notification of significant errors in published works is expected from authors.

License Agreement

Authors submitting to J2BR certify the originality of their work and grant the journal the right to publish under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Data included in accepted articles is made available under the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver, unless stated otherwise.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism, both direct and mosaic, is considered scientific misconduct and is addressed by informing the respective editors and publishers. The policy emphasizes the importance of reporting cases of plagiarism, providing evidence, and conducting disciplinary meetings if necessary.

Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human Rights, Animal Rights

Human and Animal Rights

Researchers are expected to conduct studies within an appropriate ethical framework. J2BR follows a misconduct policy and may reject manuscripts or contact authors' institutions or ethics committees if ethical concerns arise.

Informed Consent

Research involving human subjects must adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki and receive ethics committee approval. Informed consent for publication of details, images, or videos must be obtained and specified in the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest

Authors must disclose all sources of financial support, and any potential conflicts of interest must be stated. Adherence to ethical advertising practices is emphasized, and certain types of advertisements are prohibited.

Privacy Policy

J2BR is committed to protecting user privacy online. Information collected through the website is used to understand site usage patterns and improve the user experience. Personal information is kept confidential, and the website may contain links to external sites with different privacy policies.

Advertisement Policy

J2BR does not accept advertising on its official website but allows advertisements on social media pages. Advertisements must adhere to ethical practices, and certain types of ads are prohibited. Advertising revenue supports authors with limited funds to pay Article Processing Charges (APC).

Waiver of Article Processing Charge (APC)

The publication of papers submitted to the Journal of Biology and Biomedical Research (J2BR) incurs an article processing fee (APC) of  $100 (US Dollar).

The Journal of Biology and Biomedical Research (J2BR) does not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work. J2BR also maintains a fund to waive the fee for authors in developing parts of the world whose university or institute is unable to pay or who have not received sufficient financial support from funding agencies.

We offer a complete or partial/full fee waiver on a case-by-case basis for individual authors or author groups from countries in the developing world, but only if the request for a waiver has been sent to j2br.fmj@gmail.com after submission of the manuscript.

The corresponding author must send the following information in the letter of request, together with any supporting documents:

  • Manuscript title
  • Names and titles of all authors
  • Institutional affiliations of all authors
  • Type of waiver requested: Partial or Full
  • Reason for waiver application